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MCAT Biology Online Tests

Restriction Enzymes MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Restriction Enzymes Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Restriction Enzymes MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice MCAT Biology Tests. Study Recombinant DNA and Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Restriction Enzymes quiz answers PDF to learn e-learning courses. The Restriction Enzymes MCQ App Download: Free learning app for restriction enzymes, dna sequencing, gel electrophoresis and southern blotting test prep for best online colleges with financial aid.

The MCQ: Zinc-finger nucleases is; "Restriction Enzymes" App Download (Free) with answers: Natural restriction enzyme; Type of polymerase enzyme; Artificial restriction enzyme; Type of helicase enzyme; to learn e-learning courses. Practice Restriction Enzymes Quiz Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for questions to ask during an interview.

Restriction Enzymes MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

HaeIII and AluI are restriction enzymes that cut straight across the double helix producing

  1. sticky ends
  2. blunt ends
  3. Codons
  4. Anticodons
MCQ 2:

Zinc-finger nucleases is

  1. natural restriction enzyme
  2. type of polymerase enzyme
  3. artificial restriction enzyme
  4. type of helicase enzyme
MCQ 3:

Sticky ends are overhanging pieces of single stranded

  1. DNA
  2. RNA
  3. proteins
  4. Messenger RNA
MCQ 4:

Restriction enzymes are also called

  1. restriction sites
  2. restriction endonucleases
  3. restriction polymerases
  4. endonucleases

MCAT Biology Practice Tests

Restriction Enzymes Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Restriction Enzymes MCQs App to learn Restriction Enzymes Textbook, O Level Biology MCQ App, and 9th Grade Biology MCQ App. The "Restriction Enzymes" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Restriction Enzymes App (Android & iOS)

Restriction Enzymes App (Android & iOS)

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