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MBA Business Statistics Certification Exam Tests

MBA Business Statistics Practice Test 30

Population Mean MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 30

The Population Mean Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Population Mean MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 7-30 to solve MBA Business Statistics Practice Tests. Study Interval Estimation quiz answers PDF, Population Mean Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn online tutor courses. The Population Mean MCQs App Download: Free educational app for time series patterns, coefficient of partial correlation, introduction, events and their probabilities, population mean test prep .

The MCQs: If an estimator have variance 0 when the sample size increases, it is known to be; "Population Mean" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Unbiased estimator; Biased estimator; Consistent estimator; Efficient estimator; to learn online tutor courses. Practice Interval Estimation Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for schools with online MBA programs.

Population Mean MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 30

MCQ 146:

If an estimator have variance 0 when the sample size increases, it is known to be

  1. Biased estimator
  2. Unbiased estimator
  3. Consistent estimator
  4. Efficient estimator
MCQ 147:

The probability that event B will occur, given that event A has occurred, is known to be

  1. Complimentary probability
  2. Compound probability
  3. Conditional probability
  4. Associative probability
MCQ 148:

The mean sum of square of residual sum of square is equivalent to

  1. RSS/n-k
  2. RSS/k-1
  3. RSS/n-1
  4. RSS/n-2
MCQ 149:

The measure of relationship between any two variables is said to be

  1. Coefficient of correlation
  2. Coefficient of partial correlation
  3. Coefficient of determination
  4. Coefficient of partial determination
MCQ 150:

Trend variations can be of the form

  1. Increasing/decreasing trend
  2. Horizontal trend
  3. Seasonal trend
  4. Both A and B

Business Statistics Exam Prep Tests

Population Mean Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Population Mean App (Android & iOS)

Population Mean App (Android & iOS)

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