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BBA Business Statistics Practice Test 37

Multiplication Rules of Probability Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 37

The Multiplication Rules of Probability Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Multiplication Rules of Probability Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-37 to prepare BBA Business Statistics Practice Tests. Solve Introduction to Probability MCQ with answers PDF, Multiplication Rules of Probability Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for accredited online business schools. The Multiplication Rules of Probability Quiz App Download: Free learning app for multiplication rules of probability, sample space, rectangular distribution, frequency distribution types, relationship: measures of deviation test prep for master's degree in business administration.

The Quiz: The joint probability of two statistical dependent events Y and Z can be written as P(Y and Z) =; "Multiplication Rules of Probability" App Download (Free) with answers: P(Y) * P(Z|Y); P(Z + Y) * P(Y|Z); P(Y) * P(Z|Y) + P(Z); P(Y) * P(Z|Y) - P(Z + Y); for accredited online business schools. Learn Introduction to Probability Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to learn business analyst courses.

Multiplication Rules of Probability Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 37

MCQ 181:

The joint probability of two statistical dependent events Y and Z can be written as P(Y and Z) =

  1. P(Z + Y) * P(Y|Z)
  2. P(Y) * P(Z|Y)
  3. P(Y) * P(Z|Y) + P(Z)
  4. P(Y) * P(Z|Y) - P(Z + Y)
MCQ 182:

In a Venn diagram used to represent probabilities, the sample space of events is represented by

  1. square
  2. triangle
  3. circle
  4. rectangle
MCQ 183:

The formula of mean of uniform or rectangular distribution is as

  1. mean = 4(b + a) ⁄ 2b
  2. mean = (b + a) ⁄ 2
  3. mean = (b - 2a) ⁄ 4
  4. mean = (2a + 2b) ⁄ 2a
MCQ 184:

The distribution which shows the cumulative figure of all the observations placed below upper limit of classes in distribution is considered as

  1. cumulative frequency distribution
  2. upper limit distribution
  3. class distribution
  4. cumulative class distribution
MCQ 185:

The standard deviation of data is 12 and the mean is 72 then coefficient of variation is

  1. 14.67%
  2. 16.67%
  3. 12.67%
  4. 13.67%

BBA Business Statistics Exam Prep Tests

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Multiplication Rules of Probability App (Android & iOS)

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