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Basic Trigonometry Formulas MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Basic Trigonometry Formulas Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Basic Trigonometry Formulas MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice College Math Tests. Study Trigonometric Identities Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Basic Trigonometry Formulas quiz answers PDF to learn online certification courses. The Basic Trigonometry Formulas MCQ App Download: Free learning app for online math learning, sine cosine tangent, trigonometric ratios of allied angles test prep for SAT subject test tutoring.

The MCQ: Tan(α - β) =; "Basic Trigonometry Formulas" App Download (Free) with answers: Tanα-tanβ/1 + tanαtanβ; Tanα+tanβ/1 - tanαtanβ; Cotα+cotβ/1-cotαcotβ; Cotα-cotβ/1 + cotαcotβ; to learn online certification courses. Practice Basic Trigonometry Formulas Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for SAT subject test tutoring.

Basic Trigonometry Formulas MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

cosθ + cosπ =

  1. −2sin(θ + π/2)sin(θ-π/2)
  2. 2cos(θ + π/2)sin(θ-π/2)
  3. 2cos(θ + π/2)cos(θ-π/2)
  4. None of Above
MCQ 2:

tan(α - β) =

  1. tanα-tanβ/1 + tanαtanβ
  2. tanα+tanβ/1 - tanαtanβ
  3. cotα+cotβ/1-cotαcotβ
  4. cotα-cotβ/1 + cotαcotβ
MCQ 3:

cot(α - β) =

  1. cotα-cotβ/1 + cotαcotβ
  2. cotα+cotβ/1-cotαcotβ
  3. cotαcotβ-1/cotα+cotβ
  4. cotαcotβ+1/cotα+cotβ
MCQ 4:

cot(α + β) =

  1. cotα-cotβ/1 + cotαcotβ
  2. cotα+cotβ/1-cotαcotβ
  3. cotαcotβ-1/cotα+cotβ
  4. cotαcotβ+1/cotα+cotβ
MCQ 5:

cosα =

  1. 1-2sin²α/2
  2. 2cos²α/2+1
  3. 2cos²α-1
  4. 2cos²α-1

College Math Practice Tests

Basic Trigonometry Formulas Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Basic Trigonometry Formulas App (Android & iOS)

Basic Trigonometry Formulas App (Android & iOS)

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