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Applied Physics Practice Test 65

Modern Physics Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 65

The Modern Physics Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Modern Physics Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 12-65 to prepare Applied Physics Practice Tests. Solve Modern Physics MCQ with answers PDF, Modern Physics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for GRE subject test tutoring. The Modern Physics Quiz App Download: Free learning app for modern physics, moment of inertia, resistance and resistivity, millikan experiment, conservation of energy test prep for best online SAT prep class.

The Quiz MCQ: The statement saying that energy is radiated or absorbed in discrete packets is given by; "Modern Physics" App Download (Free) with answers: Einstein; Plank; Stephen; Wien; for GRE subject test tutoring. Learn Modern Physics Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample for bachelors degree online.

Modern Physics Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 65

MCQ 321:

The statement saying that energy is radiated or absorbed in discrete packets is given by

  1. plank
  2. Einstein
  3. Stephen
  4. Wien
MCQ 322:

At pivot point, body with the mass 'm' will have a torque by the

  1. force
  2. circle
  3. central point
  4. radius of the circle
MCQ 323:

Current of 0.75 A, when a battery of 1.5 V is connected to the wire of 5 m having cross sectional area 2.5 × 10-7 m², will have resistivity

  1. 1 × 10-7
  2. 1.1 × 10-7
  3. 2 × 10-7
  4. 2.1 × 10-7
MCQ 324:

Charge on an electron was discovered by Millikan in the year

  1. 1900
  2. 1901
  3. 1902
  4. 1909
MCQ 325:

Source of geothermal energy is

  1. sun
  2. tides
  3. Earth
  4. air

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