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International Relations Certification Exam Tests

International Relations Practice Test 226

International Regimes MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 226

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International Regimes MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 226

MCQ 1126:

Name the permanent institutions of survival for regime?

  1. USSR
  3. SAARC
  4. IMF, Soviet Union
MCQ 1127:

Two different forms performed by peacekeepers are

  1. Observing and peacekeeping
  2. Experience and peacekeeping
  3. Leadership and peacekeeping
  4. Communication and peacekeeping
MCQ 1128:

Zhu Rongji become the Prime Minister in

  1. 1997
  2. 1998
  3. 1999
  4. 2000
MCQ 1129:

The social theories rely on

  1. Social Conflicts
  2. Social interaction
  3. Social Problems
  4. Social liberals
MCQ 1130:

IR Schools look at International Relations in terms of

  1. Conflict and preservation
  2. conflict and cooperation
  3. Negotiations and Trade policies
  4. A and B

International Relations Exam Prep Tests

International Regimes Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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International Regimes App (Android & iOS)

International Regimes App (Android & iOS)

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