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General Knowledge Practice Test 204

Sedimentary Rocks Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 204

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Sedimentary Rocks MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 204

MCQ 1016:

One which is not considered as fundamental groups of rocks is

  1. tectonic rocks
  2. metamorphic rocks
  3. igneous rocks
  4. sedimentary rocks
MCQ 1017:

Device which measure the magnitude and direction of magnetic fields is known as

  1. VU meter
  2. galvanometer
  3. vocoder
  4. fluxgate magnetometer
MCQ 1018:

Mitochondria in eukaryotes is

  1. present in countless numbers
  2. absent
  3. present in nucleus
  4. present in cell membrane
MCQ 1019:

Largest territorial planet of Solar System is

  1. Venus
  2. Mercury
  3. Mars
  4. Earth
MCQ 1020:

Pakistani theoretical physicist, Muhammad Abdus Salam, was born in

  1. 1922
  2. 1924
  3. 1926
  4. 1928

General Knowledge Exam Prep Tests

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