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Eukaryotic Organelles Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 103

The Eukaryotic Organelles Trivia Questions with Answers PDF (Eukaryotic Organelles Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 9-103 to study general knowledge online courses. Solve Life on Earth MCQ Questions PDF, Eukaryotic Organelles Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online university entrance exam. The Eukaryotic Organelles Trivia App Download: Free learning app for sir alexander fleming, moon facts, indian ocean, human skeleton division, eukaryotic organelles test prep for online high school and college acceptance.

The Quiz: Thin hair like filaments usually found on the surface of bacteria is known as; "Eukaryotic Organelles" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Fimbria; Flagella; Centrosome; Lysosomes; for online high school and college acceptance. Study life on earth questions and answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for graduate school interview questions.

Eukaryotic Organelles Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 103

MCQ 511:

Thin hair like filaments usually found on the surface of bacteria is known as

  1. flagella
  2. fimbria
  3. centrosome
  4. lysosomes
MCQ 512:

Muscles that are supportive and useful for balance of body are known as

  1. intercostal muscles
  2. pelvic girdle muscles
  3. erector spine muscles
  4. pectoral girdles muscles
MCQ 513:

Third largest Ocean of the World is

  1. Ocean of Antarctica
  2. Atlantic Ocean
  3. Arctic Ocean
  4. Indian Ocean
MCQ 514:

First unmanned mission to the Moon was launched in

  1. 1959
  2. 1952
  3. 1955
  4. 1953
MCQ 515:

The best known discovery of Sir Alexander Fleming is

  1. electromagnetism
  2. electrolysis
  3. enzyme lysozyme
  4. penicillin

General Knowledge Exam Prep Tests

Eukaryotic Organelles Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Eukaryotic Organelles App (Android & iOS)

Eukaryotic Organelles App (Android & iOS)

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