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NATO Cold War MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

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NATO Cold War MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1:

NATO-led security mission 'ISAF' is abbreviation of

  1. International Security Alliance Force
  2. International Science Alliance Force
  3. International Scientific Atomic Firm
  4. International Security Assistance Force
MCQ 2:

First military interventions by 'NATO' is Ace Guard and Anchor Guard prompted by

  1. Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
  2. Egyptian invasion of Iran
  3. Iraqi invasion of Kuwait
  4. soviet invasion of Iran
MCQ 3:

Year in which Wall of Berlin (Germany) was built is

  1. 1969
  2. 1962
  3. 1961
  4. 1965
MCQ 4:

What is the name of the maritime operation in Mediterranean Sea by 'NATO'?

  1. Operation Active Endeavour
  2. Operation Eagle Assist
  3. Operation Active Eagle
  4. Operation Eagle Endeavour
MCQ 5:

Headquarter of 'North Atlantic Treaty Organization' is located in

  1. California
  2. Brussels, Belgium
  3. Panama
  4. Washington

General Knowledge Practice Tests

NATO Cold War Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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NATO Cold War App (Android & iOS)

NATO Cold War App (Android & iOS)

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