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Ernest Rutherford MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Ernest Rutherford Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers (Ernest Rutherford MCQ PDF e-Book) download to learn general knowledge online courses. Study Famous Scientists Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Ernest Rutherford quiz answers PDF for college entrance exam prep. The Ernest Rutherford MCQ App Download: Free learning app for niels bohr, maria goeppert mayer, aristotle, avicenna test prep for free career test.

The MCQ: Ernest Rutherford died in; "Ernest Rutherford" App Download (Free) with answers 1936, 1933, 1937 and 1932 for college entrance exam prep. Practice ernest rutherford quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for university entrance exam.

Ernest Rutherford MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1:

Ernest Rutherford died in

  1. 1936
  2. 1933
  3. 1937
  4. 1932
MCQ 2:

Ernest Rutherford was born in

  1. 1876
  2. 1871
  3. 1875
  4. 1878
MCQ 3:

Physicist who is known as 'Father Of Nuclear Physics' is

  1. Ernest Rutherford
  2. William Ramsay
  3. Hermann Fischer
  4. Frederick Crick
MCQ 4:

Ernest Rutherford won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in

  1. 1909
  2. 1905
  3. 1901
  4. 1908
MCQ 5:

British physicist, Ernest Rutherford, won the Nobel Prize in

  1. Geology
  2. Biology
  3. Chemistry
  4. Physics

General Knowledge Practice Tests

Ernest Rutherford Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Ernest Rutherford App (Android & iOS)

Ernest Rutherford App (Android & iOS)

General Knowledge App (Android & iOS)

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