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General Knowledge Entry Test PDF

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The MCQ: Deficiency of Vitamin A results in; "General Knowledge Entry Test" App Download (Free) with answers: Night blindness; Hepatic disease; Antifertility; Hair fall; for online computer classes. Practice General Knowledge Entry Test FAQs, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) to enroll in online classes.

General Knowledge MCQs: General Knowledge Entry Test PDF Download

MCQ 1:

Deficiency of Vitamin A results in

  1. Night blindness
  2. hepatic disease
  3. antifertility
  4. hair fall
MCQ 2:

Which one of the following country is the largest producer of rubber in the world?

  1. Belgium
  2. Africa
  3. Brazil
  4. Malaysia
MCQ 3:

Which one of the following countries is known as the Land of Rising Sun?

  1. Brazil
  2. Korea
  3. Japan
  4. Singapore
MCQ 4:

Which one of the following are the original inhabitants of Gurkhas?

  1. Bhutan
  2. Nepal
  3. Italy
  4. Spain
MCQ 5:

Electron was first identified by

  1. Max Planck
  2. JJ Thomson
  3. Thomas Alva Edison
  4. James Chadwick

Practice Tests: General Knowledge Exam Prep

General Knowledge Entry Test Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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General Knowledge Entry Test App (Android & iOS)

General Knowledge Entry Test App (Android & iOS)

General Knowledge App (Android & iOS)

General Knowledge App (iOS & Android)

Thermodynamics App (Android & iOS)

Thermodynamics App (Android & iOS)

DataBase Management System (MCS) App (Android & iOS)

DataBase Management System (MCS) App (iOS & Android)