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Engineering Physics Practice Tests

Engineering Physics Online Tests

Work MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Work Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Work MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Engineering Physics Tests. Study Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Work quiz answers PDF for online college programs. The Work MCQ App Download: Free learning app for kinetic energy, work test prep for questions to ask in an interview.

The MCQ: Energy transferred from the object is; "Work" App Download (Free) with answers: Positive work; Kinetic frictional force; Negative work; Static frictional force; for online college programs. Practice Work Quiz Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for free career quiz.

Work MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Energy transferred to the object is

  1. positive work
  2. negative work
  3. kinetic frictional force
  4. static frictional force
MCQ 2:

Energy transferred from the object is

  1. positive work
  2. kinetic frictional force
  3. negative work
  4. static frictional force
MCQ 3:

Energy transferred to or from an object by means of a force acting on the object is termed as

  1. work
  2. kinetic energy
  3. specific heat
  4. electrical energy
MCQ 4:

Theorem which states that for a particle, a change in kinetic energy is equals to the net work done on the particle is known as

  1. work-noise theorem
  2. Newtonian mechanics theorem
  3. work-kinetic energy theorem
  4. work-electrical energy theorem
MCQ 5:

Work done by gravitational force on object of mass m moves through displacement d is given by

  1. mgdcosθ
  2. mgdsinθ
  3. mgdtanθ
  4. mgdcotθ

Engineering Physics Practice Tests

Work Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Work App (Android & iOS)

Work App (Android & iOS)

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