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Engineering Physics Practice Test 16

Capacitor with Dielectric Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 16

The Capacitor with Dielectric MCQ with Answers PDF (Capacitor with Dielectric Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-16 to prepare Engineering Physics Practice Tests. Learn Capacitors and Capacitance Test PDF, Capacitor with Dielectric Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to apply to colleges online. The Capacitor with Dielectric MCQ App Download: Free certification app for yo-yo, center of mass and momentum, aluminium, si derived units, capacitor with dielectric test prep to learn certification courses online.

The MCQ: Dielectric constant of Germanium is; "Capacitor with Dielectric" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: 12; 9; 16; 25; to apply to colleges online. Practice Capacitors and Capacitance Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for engineering graduate schools.

Capacitor with Dielectric MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 16

MCQ 76:

Dielectric constant of Germanium is

  1. 9
  2. 12
  3. 16
  4. 25
MCQ 77:

Farad is unit of

  1. electric resistance
  2. magnetic flux
  3. capacitance
  4. inductance
MCQ 78:

Boiling point of Aluminium is

  1. 1200°C
  2. 2450°C
  3. 2234°C
  4. 660°C
MCQ 79:

Center of mass of a system of n particles, where M is the total mass of the system, is defined to be the point whose x coordinate is

  1. xcom=1/M (∑mixi)
  2. xcom=1/M (∑2mixi)
  3. xcom=1/M (∑1/(mixi))
  4. xcom=∑2+mixi
MCQ 80:

Potential energy of yo-yo is equals to

  1. mgcosθ
  2. mgh
  3. m/gh
  4. gh/m

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Capacitor with Dielectric App (Android & iOS)

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