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Engineering Physics Practice Test 92

Sun,Earth and Moon Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 92

The e-Book Sun,Earth and Moon MCQ Questions, sun,earth and moon quiz answers PDF download, chapter 2-92 to learn free physics online courses. Solve Astronomical Data Test PDF, Sun,Earth and Moon Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Sun,Earth and Moon MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for mean distance from sun to planets, si derived units, applied physics introduction, length and time, sun,earth and moon test prep for questions to ask during an interview.

The MCQ Quiz: Mean radius of Earth is; "Sun,Earth and Moon" App APK Download (Free) with answers 6.96x108 m, 6.96x1018 m, 6.37x106 m and 1.74x106 m to learn engineering degree courses. Study astronomical data questions and answers, Apple Book to download free sample to apply to colleges online.

Sun,Earth and Moon Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 92

MCQ 456: Mean radius of Earth is

A) 6.96x1018 m
B) 6.96x108 m
C) 6.37x106 m
D) 1.74x106 m

MCQ 457: Plank time is equals to

A) 1024
B) 10-43
C) 10-16
D) 10-15

MCQ 458: Einstein's theory of relativity revolutionized the traditional concepts of space, time, and

A) volume
B) area
C) energy
D) axis

MCQ 459: Radian per second is unit of

A) linear velocity
B) angular velocity
C) angular acceleration
D) power

MCQ 460: Pluto's period of revolution is

A) 165 y
B) 248 y
C) 29.5 y
D) 11.9 y

Engineering Physics Exam Prep Tests

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Sun,Earth and Moon App (Android & iOS)

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