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Engineering Physics Practice Test 214

Celsius and Fahrenheit Scales MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 214

Free Celsius and Fahrenheit Scales Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Celsius and Fahrenheit Scales MCQ PDF Download, Book Test 11-214 to learn physics online courses. Study First Law of Thermodynamics quiz answers PDF, Celsius and Fahrenheit Scales Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Celsius and Fahrenheit Scales MCQs App Download: Free educational app for period of rotation of planets, rotational inertia of different objects, coherence, equilibrium, celsius and fahrenheit scales test prep for online career assessment.

The MCQs: Zero of Celsius scale is; "Celsius and Fahrenheit Scales" App Download (iOS & Android) Free with answers 20°c, −18°c, 0°c and −40°c for online engineering schools. Practice first law of thermodynamics questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online undergraduate engineering schools.

Celsius and Fahrenheit Scales Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 214

MCQ 1066: Zero of Celsius scale is

  1. −18°C
  2. 20°C
  3. 0°C
  4. −40°C

MCQ 1067: Linear momentum 'P' of its center of mass is

  1. one
  2. undefined
  3. constant
  4. variable

MCQ 1068: When two light waves that meet at a point are to interfere perceptibly, phase difference between them remain constant with time, which means waves must be

  1. perpendicular
  2. coherent
  3. parallel
  4. tangential

MCQ 1069: If M is the mass of object and R is radius, then rotational inertia of hallow cylinder about central axis is

  1. 2/3 MR2
  2. MR2
  3. 1/2 MR2
  4. 3/2 MR2

MCQ 1070: Period of rotation of Earth w.r.t distant stars is

  1. −-0.451 d
  2. 0.997 d
  3. 0.897 d
  4. −243 d

Engineering Physics Exam Prep Tests

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