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Engineering Physics Online Tests

Power MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Power Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Power MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Engineering Physics Tests. Learn Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Power quiz answers PDF for online certificate programs. The Power MCQ App Download: Free learning app for series and parallel resistances, single loop circuits, work,energy and emf test prep to apply to colleges online.

The MCQ: If i is current through the circuit and r is resistance then power P at which power dissipated as thermal energy of the battery is; "Power" App Download (Free) with answers: P=ir; P=i2r; P=i2r2; P=ir2; for online certificate programs. Practice Power Quiz Questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) to apply to colleges online.

Power MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

If i is current through the circuit and E is EMF of battery then power P at which chemical energy of battery is dissipated is

  1. P=iE
  2. P=i2E
  3. P=i2E2
  4. P=iE2
MCQ 2:

If i is current through the circuit and r is resistance then power P at which power dissipated as thermal energy of the battery is

  1. P=ir
  2. P=i2r
  3. P=i2r2
  4. P=ir2
MCQ 3:

Power is a

  1. vector quantity
  2. scalar quantity
  3. unit vector
  4. infinite quantity
MCQ 4:

Rate at which force does work on object is termed as

  1. power due to force
  2. acceleration due to force
  3. velocity due to force
  4. distance due to force
MCQ 5:

When real battery of EMF E and internal resistance r does work on the charge carrier in a current i through the battery, rate P of energy transfer to the charge carrier, if V is potential, is

  1. P=iV
  2. P=V/i
  3. P=i/V
  4. P=i+V

Engineering Physics Practice Tests

Power Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Power App (Android & iOS)

Power App (Android & iOS)

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