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Molar Specific Heat of Ideal Gases MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Molar Specific Heat of Ideal Gases Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Molar Specific Heat of Ideal Gases MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Engineering Physics Tests. Learn Kinetic Energy Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Molar Specific Heat of Ideal Gases quiz answers PDF to study online schools courses. The Molar Specific Heat of Ideal Gases MCQ App Download: Free learning app for transnational kinetic energy, avogadro number, pressure, temperature and rms speed, degree of freedom test prep for grad school interview questions.

The MCQ: Molar specific speed of Nitrogen gas is; "Molar Specific Heat of Ideal Gases" App Download (Free) with answers: 202.7 J/mol.K; 20.7 J/mol.K; 12.6 J/mol.K; 125 J/mol.K; to study online schools courses. Practice Molar Specific Heat of Ideal Gases Quiz Questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for graduate school interview questions.

Molar Specific Heat of Ideal Gases MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

For ideal polyatomic gas, molar specific speed is equals to

  1. 24.9 J/mol.K
  2. 12.5 J/mol.K
  3. 20.8 J/mol.K
  4. 30.31 J/mol.K
MCQ 2:

Molar specific speed of Nitrogen gas is

  1. 202.7 J/mol.K
  2. 20.7 J/mol.K
  3. 12.6 J/mol.K
  4. 125 J/mol.K
MCQ 3:

Molar specific speed of Argon is

  1. 20.7 J/mol.K
  2. 125 J/mol.K
  3. 12.6 J/mol.K
  4. 20.7 J/mol.K
MCQ 4:

Molar specific speed of Carbon dioxide gas is

  1. 29.7 J/mol.K
  2. 12.6 J/mol.K
  3. 129.0 J/mol.K
  4. 25 J/mol.K
MCQ 5:

For ideal monatomic gas, molar specific speed is equals to

  1. 12.5 J/mol.K
  2. 2.31 J/mol.K
  3. 0.31 J/mol.K
  4. 30.31 J/mol.K

Engineering Physics Practice Tests

Molar Specific Heat of Ideal Gases Textbook App: Free Download (Android & iOS)

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Molar Specific Heat of Ideal Gases App (Android & iOS)

Molar Specific Heat of Ideal Gases App (Android & iOS)

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