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Zener Power Dissipation and Derating Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The e-Book Zener Power Dissipation and Derating Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers, Zener Power Dissipation and Derating MCQ PDF download to learn free electronic devices online courses. Practice Special Purpose Diodes Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Zener Power Dissipation and Derating quiz answers PDF to learn online tutor courses. The Zener Power Dissipation and Derating MCQ App Download: Free learning app for optical diodes, zener diode applications, zener diode: basic operation and applications, pin diode test prep for online associate degree in engineering.

The MCQ: Zener diodes are specified to operate at maximum power called maximum; "Zener Power Dissipation and Derating" App Download (Free) with answers dc power dissipation, ac power dissipation, analog power dissipation and digital power dissipation to learn online tutor courses. Study zener power dissipation and derating quiz questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for online high school college acceptance.

Zener Power Dissipation and Derating MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ : Zener diodes are specified to operate at maximum power called maximum

  1. DC power dissipation
  2. AC power dissipation
  3. analog power dissipation
  4. digital power dissipation

MCQ 1: Maximum derated power can be determined by

  1. DC maximum power + mW/°C
  2. AC maximum power + mW/°C
  3. DC maximum power + (mW/°C)rate of time
  4. AC maximum power + (mW/°C)rate of time

MCQ 2: Derating factor is expressed in

  1. mW/°C
  2. mW°C
  3. °C/mW
  4. °C/m

MCQ 3: DC power dissipation is determined by

  1. Zener voltage x load current
  2. Zener voltage/load current
  3. Zener voltage - load current
  4. Zener voltage + load current

MCQ 4: Zener diode with maximum power rating of 400mW at50°C and derating factor of 3.2 mW/°C has maximum derated power at 90°C temperature is

  1. 27 mW
  2. 272 mW
  3. 272 W
  4. 27 W

Electronic Devices Practice Tests

Zener Power Dissipation and Derating Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Zener Power Dissipation and Derating App (Android & iOS)

Zener Power Dissipation and Derating App (Android & iOS)

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