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Electronic Devices Practice Test 12

Common Emitter Amplifier Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 12

The Common Emitter Amplifier MCQ with Answers PDF (Common Emitter Amplifier Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 2-12 to prepare Electronic Devices Practice Tests. Learn BJT Amplifiers Test PDF, Common Emitter Amplifier Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for free career quiz. The Common Emitter Amplifier MCQ App Download: Free certification app for atomic structure, mosfet biasing, diode models, biasing a diode, common emitter amplifier test prep to study online certification courses.

The MCQ: If AC emitter current of common emitter amplifier is 3.80mA then AC emitter resistance will be; "Common Emitter Amplifier" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: 2.45 Ω; 5.3 Ω; 6.58 Ω; 8.32 Ω; for free career quiz. Practice BJT Amplifiers Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for best online colleges with financial aid.

Common Emitter Amplifier MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 12

MCQ 56:

If AC emitter current of common emitter amplifier is 3.80mA then AC emitter resistance will be

  1. 5.3 Ω
  2. 2.45 Ω
  3. 6.58 Ω
  4. 8.32 Ω
MCQ 57:

Term refers to the rise of DC voltage to establish certain operating conditions for an electronic device is called

  1. bias
  2. source
  3. input
  4. core
MCQ 58:

If biasing voltage is 10 V and R=1.0 kΩ then forward voltage for practical diode model will be

  1. 5 V
  2. 9.3 V
  3. 10 V
  4. 10.7 V
MCQ 59:

For D-MOSFET which is biased at gate to source voltage equals to zero, then drain current will equals to

  1. maximum drain current
  2. minimum drain current
  3. floating current
  4. body current
MCQ 60:

Smallest particle of element that retains characteristics of that element is

  1. molecule
  2. cells
  3. atom
  4. diode

Electronic Devices Exam Prep Tests

Common Emitter Amplifier Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Common Emitter Amplifier App (Android & iOS)

Common Emitter Amplifier App (Android & iOS)

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