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Electronic Devices Practice Test 69

Transistor Structure Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 69

The e-Book Transistor Structure Quiz Questions, transistor structure quiz answers PDF download, chapter 1-69 to study free electronic devices online courses. Practice Bipolar Junction Transistors MCQ with answers PDF, Transistor Structure Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Transistor Structure Quiz App Download: Free learning app for common emitter amplifier, switched capacitor circuits, specific fpaas, electronics engineering: electronic devices, transistor structure test prep for undergraduate engineering schools.

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Transistor Structure Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 69

MCQ 341: Three regions of a BJT is separated by

A) one PN junction
B) two PN junctions
C) three PN junctions
D) four PN junctions

MCQ 342: Which of the following is IC switching voltage regulator?

A) LM224
B) LM373
C) 78S40
D) 7813

MCQ 343: A type of memory in FPAA which stores data for certain predetermined configuration functions is called

A) cache
B) shadow RAM
C) configuration RAM
D) look up table

MCQ 344: In practical implementation, device used for switching is

B) resistor
D) inductor

MCQ 345: Measure of how well an amplifier maintains its design value over changes in temperature or other factors is called

A) measurement
B) maintenance
C) stability
D) loading

Electronic Devices Exam Prep Tests

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Transistor Structure App (Android & iOS)

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