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Digital Electronics Practice Test 144

Pseudo NMOS Inverter Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 144

The Pseudo NMOS Inverter MCQ with Answers PDF (Pseudo NMOS Inverter Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 19-144 to prepare Digital Electronics Practice Tests. Learn Pseudo NMOS Logic Circuits Test PDF, Pseudo NMOS Inverter Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for best online colleges with financial aid. The Pseudo NMOS Inverter MCQ App Download: Free certification app for transistor regions, random access memory cell types, collector characteristic curves, spice dc analysis, pseudo nmos inverter test prep for online engineering schools.

The MCQ: In Pseudo-NMOS circuit, PMOS for most of the time will be linear region, so resistance is; "Pseudo NMOS Inverter" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Low; High; Zero; Infinite; for best online colleges with financial aid. Practice Pseudo NMOS Logic Circuits Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for undergraduate engineering schools.

Pseudo NMOS Inverter MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 144

MCQ 716:

In Pseudo-NMOS circuit, PMOS for most of the time will be linear region, so resistance is

  1. high
  2. low
  3. zero
  4. infinite
MCQ 717:

Analysis in which we replace a capacitor with an empty space and an inductor with a wire is called

  1. DC analysis
  2. AC analysis
  3. DC transfer curve analysis
  4. Noise analysis
MCQ 718:

IC increases slightly as VCE increases due to winding of the

  1. base-emitter depletion region
  2. base-collector depletion region
  3. emitter-collector depletion region
  4. base-body depletion region
MCQ 719:

MOS RAMs are of two types, which are

  1. static and dynamic ROMs
  2. static and dynamic RAMs
  3. static and dynamic ERAMs
  4. static and dynamic EPRAMs
MCQ 720:

Both BE and BC junction are forward biased in

  1. linear region
  2. triode region
  3. cutoff region
  4. saturation region

Digital Electronics Exam Prep Tests

Pseudo NMOS Inverter Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Pseudo NMOS Inverter App (Android & iOS)

Pseudo NMOS Inverter App (Android & iOS)

Digital Electronics App (Android & iOS)

Digital Electronics App (iOS & Android)

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