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SR Flip Flop Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The e-Book SR Flip Flop Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers, SR Flip Flop MCQ PDF download to learn free digital electronics online courses. Study Latches & Flip Flops Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), SR Flip Flop quiz answers PDF to learn online engineering courses. The SR Flip Flop MCQ App Download: Free learning app for d flip flops, latches, d flip flop circuits test prep for global knowledge quiz.

The MCQ: In SR flip-flop, input labeled 'S' stands for; "SR Flip Flop" App Download (Free) with answers systematic, static, set and stable to learn online engineering courses. Practice sr flip flop quiz questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for job placement test.

SR Flip Flop MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: In SR flip-flop, input labeled 'S' stands for

A) Systematic
B) Static
C) Set
D) Stable

MCQ 2: When flip flop are storing a logic 0, output Q will be low and thus both inputs of NOR gate in flip flop will be

A) 1
B) 0
C) z
D) x

MCQ 3: It is impossible to predict the final state of

A) flip flop
B) latch
C) timing generator
D) capacitor

MCQ 4: Flip flop when storing logic 0 is considered as

A) set
B) reset
C) rest
D) static

MCQ 5: To reset the flip flop we need to raise R to 1 while leaving S=

A) 0
B) 1
C) −∞
D) ∞

Digital Electronics Practice Tests

SR Flip Flop Learning App & Free Study Apps

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SR Flip Flop App (Android & iOS)

SR Flip Flop App (Android & iOS)

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