Electromagnetic Theory Practice Tests
Electromagnetic Theory Online Tests
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The MCQ: When electric field reduces to zero, the material still remained polarized and polarization vector has a certain value, this process is known as; "Ferroelectrics" App Download (Free) with answers: Remanent polarization; Permanent polarization; Ions polarization; Atomic polarization; for online engineering degrees. Practice Ferroelectrics Quiz Questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for online engineering graduate colleges.
Class of dielectric material which exhibit a hysteresis loop of polarization versus electric field is termed as
When electric field reduces to zero, the material still remained polarized and polarization vector has a certain value, this process is known as
Power of a material of retaining remanent polarization is called the
Temperature at which spontaneous polarization disappears is called ferroelectric
Ferroelectric posses
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