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Electromagnetic Theory Practice Tests

Electromagnetic Theory Online Tests

Atoms and Molecules Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

Free Atoms and Molecules Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers (Atoms and Molecules MCQ PDF Book) download to learn electromagnetic theory online courses. Practice Electrical Properties of Matter Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Atoms and Molecules quiz answers PDF to study online courses. The Atoms and Molecules MCQ App Download: Free learning app for dng, bohr's model, atoms and molecules, electromagnetic theory test prep for online high school college acceptance.

The MCQ: Protons in an atom ranges from; "Atoms and Molecules" App Download (Free) with answers 1-122, 1-118, 118-11880 and 18-218 to study online courses. Study atoms and molecules quiz questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for online engineering associate's degree.

Atoms and Molecules MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: Protons in an atom ranges from

  1. 1-122
  2. 1-118
  3. 118-11880
  4. 18-218

MCQ 2: Some of energy levels are not occupied by electrons as there are

  1. more energy levels
  2. more electrons
  3. more protons
  4. more neutrons

MCQ 3: Revolving electrons present in various shells and surround the nucleus, exert a force on nucleus which is

  1. force of repulsion
  2. gravitational force
  3. acceleration force
  4. force of attraction

MCQ 4: Revolving electrons present in various shells and surround the nucleus, exert a force on each other which is

  1. gravitational force
  2. acceleration force
  3. force of repulsion
  4. force of attraction

MCQ 5: Element which is made up of one or more atoms combined together with the help of short-range forces of their electrical charges is called

  1. atom
  2. molecule
  3. proton
  4. compound

Electromagnetic Theory Practice Tests

Atoms and Molecules Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Atoms and Molecules App (Android & iOS)

Atoms and Molecules App (Android & iOS)

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