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Database Management System Certification Exam Tests

Database Management System Practice Test 25

Introduction to Disk Storage Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 25

The Introduction to Disk Storage Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Introduction to Disk Storage Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 5-25 to prepare Database Management System Practice Tests. Solve Disk Storage, File Structures and Hashing MCQ with answers PDF, Introduction to Disk Storage Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for best online schools for computer science. The Introduction to Disk Storage Quiz App Download: Free learning app for introduction to disk storage, client server architecture, single level order indexes, specialization in dbms, uml diagrams test prep for applied computer science.

The Quiz: The type of memories used in MP3 players and cameras are called; "Introduction to Disk Storage" App Download (Free) with answers: Flash memories; Memory databases; Mass storage; Main memory; for best online schools for computer science. Learn Disk Storage, File Structures and Hashing Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample for computer science degree programs.

Introduction to Disk Storage Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 25

MCQ 121:

The type of memories used in MP3 players and cameras are called

  1. memory databases
  2. flash memories
  3. mass storage
  4. main memory
MCQ 122:

In database management system, the CAD is an abbreviation of

  1. client devices access
  2. compiler display application
  3. control display application
  4. computer aided design
MCQ 123:

The example of non dense index is

  1. ternary index
  2. secondary index
  3. primary index
  4. clustering index
MCQ 124:

The possible specialization constraint includes

  1. disjoint and total
  2. overlapping and total
  3. overlapping and partial
  4. all of above
MCQ 125:

The activity diagram, use case diagram, collaboration diagram and sequence diagram are considered as types of

  1. non-behavioral diagrams
  2. non structural diagrams
  3. structural diagrams
  4. behavioral diagrams

Database Management System Exam Prep Tests

Introduction to Disk Storage Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Introduction to Disk Storage App (Android & iOS)

Introduction to Disk Storage App (Android & iOS)

Database Management System App (Android & iOS)

Database Management System App (iOS & Android)

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Computer Architecture App (iOS & Android)