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Computer Networks Online Tests

TCP/IP Suite MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The TCP/IP Suite Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (TCP/IP Suite MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Computer Networks Tests. Learn Network Models Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), TCP/IP Suite quiz answers PDF to learn computing courses online. The TCP/IP Suite MCQ App Download: Free learning app for osi model layers, tcp/ip suite test prep for computer software engineer.

The MCQ: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Networking Protocol have; "TCP/IP Suite" App Download (Free) with answers: Four layers; Five layers; Six layers; Seven layers; to learn computing courses online. Practice TCP/IP Suite Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for cheapest online computer science degree.

TCP/IP Suite MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

ICMP Stands for

  1. Internet Connect Message Protocol
  2. Internet Control Message Protocol
  3. International Connect Message Protocol
  4. International Control Message Protocol
MCQ 2:

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Networking Protocol have

  1. four layers
  2. five layers
  3. six layers
  4. seven layers
MCQ 3:

The packets of data that is transported by Internet protocol (IP) is called

  1. datagrams
  2. frames
  3. segments
  4. encapsulate message
MCQ 4:

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) divides a stream of data into smaller units that are called

  1. frames
  2. datagrams
  3. segments
  4. information
MCQ 5:

The term that refers to associate a logical address with a physical address is

  1. RARP
  2. IGMP
  3. ARP
  4. ICMP

Computer Networks Practice Tests

TCP/IP Suite Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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TCP/IP Suite App (Android & iOS)

TCP/IP Suite App (Android & iOS)

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