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Computer Networks Practice Test 342

Frame Relay and ATM MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 342

The Frame Relay and ATM Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Frame Relay and ATM MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 29-342 to solve Computer Networks Practice Tests. Study Virtual Circuit Networks Frame Relay and ATM quiz answers PDF, Frame Relay and ATM Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn computer engineering courses. The Frame Relay and ATM MCQs App Download: Free educational app for frame relay and atm, virtual tributaries, data rate and signals, frame relay in vcn, dns messages test prep for online college classes.

The MCQs: The field that defines the type of packet in the Convergence Sub layer (CS) is called; "Frame Relay & ATM" App (Android, iOS) with answers: User-to-user indicator; Header control; Length indicator; Packet payload type; to learn computer engineering courses. Practice Virtual Circuit Networks Frame Relay and ATM Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for CS major.

Frame Relay & ATM MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 342

MCQ 1706:

The field that defines the type of packet in the Convergence Sub layer (CS) is called

  1. header control
  2. user-to-user indicator
  3. length indicator
  4. packet payload type
MCQ 1707:

Types of VT have been defined to accommodate existing digital hierarchies, they have

  1. no type
  2. two types
  3. four types
  4. eight types
MCQ 1708:

The minimum time required to download one million bytes of information for V32 modem is

  1. 800 s
  2. 834 s
  3. 900 s
  4. 1000 s
MCQ 1709:

X.25 has a data rate of

  1. 32-Kbps
  2. 64-Kbps
  3. 68-Kbps
  4. 92-Kbps
MCQ 1710:

In Domain Name System (DNS) messages, the length of the header is

  1. 08 bytes
  2. 12 bytes
  3. 14 bytes
  4. 24 bytes

Computer Networks Exam Prep Tests

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