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Computer Networks Practice Test 150

Fast Ethernet MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 150

The Book Fast Ethernet Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Fast Ethernet MCQs PDF download, e-Book Ch. 30-150 to learn free computer networks online courses. Study Wired LANs Ethernet quiz answers PDF, fast ethernet Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Fast Ethernet MCQs App Download: Free educational app for fast ethernet, network management system, unicast routing protocols, digital to digital conversion, digital signals test prep for top computer science schools.

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Fast Ethernet Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 150

MCQ 746: By using fast Ethernet two stations are connected via

  1. point to point
  2. switch
  3. hub
  4. bridge

MCQ 747: A system is responsible for detecting, isolating, correcting and recording faults in

  1. reactive fault management
  2. stored fault management
  3. report fault management
  4. reserved fault management

MCQ 748: In unicast Routing, each node uses the same topology to create a routing table and the routing table for each node is

  1. reflective
  2. constant
  3. unique
  4. identical

MCQ 749: The unit of the signal rate is

  1. bits per second
  2. Baud
  3. micro seconds
  4. Hertz

MCQ 750: In baseband transmission, the required bit rate is proportional to the

  1. wavelength
  2. frequency
  3. period
  4. bandwidth

Computer Networks Exam Prep Tests

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Fast Ethernet App (Android & iOS)

Fast Ethernet App (Android & iOS)

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