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DNS Encapsulation Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 157

The DNS Encapsulation Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (DNS Encapsulation Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 12-157 to prepare Computer Networks Practice Tests. Solve Domain Name System MCQ with answers PDF, DNS Encapsulation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for BSc computer science. The DNS Encapsulation Quiz App Download: Free learning app for dns encapsulation, snmp protocol, destination address, unicast routing protocols, ieee 802.11 standards test prep for online computer science schools.

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DNS Encapsulation Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 157

MCQ 781:

A root server's zone is the entire

  1. STP Tree
  2. DNS Tree
  3. hosttree
  4. sub-tree
MCQ 782:

A digital signature needs a

  1. private-key system
  2. shared-key system
  3. public-key system
  4. secret key
MCQ 783:

In-network addresses, destination address field are of

  1. 4 bits
  2. 8 bits
  3. 16-byte
  4. 16 bits
MCQ 784:

In Routing Information Protocol (RIP), to send a packet to one of the three networks at the far left, router R1 needs to deliver the packet to

  1. R0
  2. R3
  3. R-1
  4. R2
MCQ 785:

When a station is idle, it waits for the period of time is called

  1. Distributed Interframe Space
  2. Short Interframe Space
  3. request to sent
  4. clear to send

Computer Networks Exam Prep Tests

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DNS Encapsulation App (Android & iOS)

DNS Encapsulation App (Android & iOS)

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