Computer Science Degree Courses

Chapter 25: Computer Networks Exam Tests

Computer Networks MCQs - Chapter 25

Security in the Internet: IPSec, SSUTLS, PGP, VPN and Firewalls Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Security in the Internet IPSec, SSUTLS, PGP, VPN and Firewalls Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Security in the Internet IPSec, SSUTLS, PGP, VPN and Firewalls MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 25-1 to study Computer Networks Course. Practice Firewall MCQs, Security in the Internet IPSec, SSUTLS, PGP, VPN and Firewalls trivia questions and answers PDF for 2 year computer science degree. The Security in the Internet IPSec, SSUTLS, PGP, VPN and Firewalls MCQs App Download: Free learning app for computer networks career test for networking certifications online.

The MCQ: A proxy firewall filters at the; "Security in the Internet: IPSec, SSUTLS, PGP, VPN and Firewalls" App Download (Free) with answers: Application layer; Physical layer; Data link layer; Network layer; for 2 year computer science degree. Solve Unicast Routing Protocols Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for computer and information science.

Security in the Internet IPSec, SSUTLS, PGP, VPN & Firewalls MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

A proxy firewall filters at the

  1. physical layer
  2. application layer
  3. data link layer
  4. network layer
MCQ 2:

A packet filter firewall filters at the

  1. application or transport
  2. data link layer
  3. physical layer
  4. network or transport layer
MCQ 3:

The Authentication Header (AH) Protocol provides source authentication and data integrity, but not

  1. integrity
  2. privacy
  3. nonrepudiation
  4. authentication
MCQ 4:

The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) divides the data into blocks of

  1. 2x6
  2. 2x14
  3. 2x20
  4. 2x24
MCQ 5:

The Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) provides

  1. source authentication
  2. data integrity
  3. privacy
  4. all of above

Security in the Internet IPSec, SSUTLS, PGP, VPN & Firewalls Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Security in the Internet IPSec, SSUTLS, PGP, VPN & Firewalls App (Android & iOS)

Security in the Internet IPSec, SSUTLS, PGP, VPN & Firewalls App (Android & iOS)

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