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Computer Architecture Certification Exam Tests

Computer Architecture Practice Test 81

Simple Implementation Scheme Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 81

The Simple Implementation Scheme Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Simple Implementation Scheme Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 4-81 to prepare Computer Architecture Practice Tests. Solve Computer Language and Instructions MCQ with answers PDF, Simple Implementation Scheme Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for top computer science schools. The Simple Implementation Scheme Quiz App Download: Free learning app for simple implementation scheme, logical operations, signed and unsigned numbers, memory addressing, storage crosscutting issues test prep for computer science associate degree.

The Quiz: Doubling the number of transistors every 18 months is known as; "Simple Implementation Scheme" App Download (Free) with answers: Moore's law; Einstein equation; Nyquist theorem; None; for top computer science schools. Learn Computer Language and Instructions Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample for online software engineering classes.

Simple Implementation Scheme Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 81

MCQ 401:

Doubling the number of transistors every 18 months is known as

  1. Einstein equation
  2. Moore's law
  3. Nyquist theorem
  4. none
MCQ 402:

When the disks rotate at 5400 RPM-15,000 RPM, then they have average rotational latency is between

  1. 1 ms
  2. 1.2 ms
  3. 1.5 ms
  4. 2.0 ms
MCQ 403:

For R-type instruction in the MIPS architecture, ALUOp is

  1. 1
  2. 10
  3. 101
  4. 110
MCQ 404:

Add #%01011101,R1, when this instruction is executed then

  1. the binary addition between the operands takes place
  2. the numerical value represented by the binary value is added to the value of r1
  3. the addition doesn't take place, whereas this is similar to a mov instruction
  4. none of above
MCQ 405:

The human-readable base representation of the numbers is

  1. binary
  2. decimal
  3. hex
  4. hexadecimal

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

Simple Implementation Scheme Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Simple Implementation Scheme App (Android & iOS)

Simple Implementation Scheme App (Android & iOS)

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