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Computer Networks Practice Test 83

World Wide Web Architecture Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 83

The World Wide Web Architecture Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (World Wide Web Architecture Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 33-83 to solve Computer Networks Practice Tests. Learn WWW and HTTP MCQ Questions PDF, World Wide Web Architecture Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn computer engineering courses. The World Wide Web Architecture Trivia App Download: Free educational app for world wide web architecture, unicast routing protocols, line coding schemes, cellular telephony, satellite networks test prep for master's degree in computer science.

The Quiz: The protocol is the client/server program used to retrieve the; "World Wide Web Architecture" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Header; IP; Document; Cache; for master's degree in computer science. Study WWW and HTTP Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for BSc computer science.

World Wide Web Architecture Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 83

MCQ 411:

The protocol is the client/server program used to retrieve the

  1. IP
  2. header
  3. document
  4. cache
MCQ 412:

In Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) terminology, a connection is called a

  1. node
  2. station
  3. link
  4. backbone
MCQ 413:

What is the bit rate, if the baud rate is 1000 and the type of modulation is FSK?

  1. 1000 bps
  2. 1500 bps
  3. 2000 bps
  4. 100 bps
MCQ 414:

In cellular telephony, The size of the cell is not fixed, can be increased or decreased depending on the population of

  1. signals
  2. area
  3. media data
  4. stations
MCQ 415:

In satellite networks, according to Kepler's law, the period of moon is

  1. C x distance1.3
  2. C x distance1.5
  3. C x distance1.7
  4. C x distance1.9

Computer Networks Exam Prep Tests

World Wide Web Architecture Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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World Wide Web Architecture App (Android & iOS)

World Wide Web Architecture App (Android & iOS)

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