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Multicast Routing Protocols MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Multicast Routing Protocols Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Multicast Routing Protocols MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Computer Networks Tests. Learn Network Layer: Delivery, Forwarding, and Routing Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Multicast Routing Protocols quiz answers PDF for computer science bachelor degree online. The Multicast Routing Protocols MCQ App Download: Free learning app for unicast routing protocols, networking layer forwarding, networking layer delivery test prep for online college classes.

The MCQ: A network can receive a multicast packet from a particular source only through a; "Multicast Routing Protocols" App Download (Free) with answers: Designated parent resolver; Designated protocol router; Designated parent table; Designated parent router; for computer science bachelor degree online. Practice Multicast Routing Protocols Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online computer science and engineering.

Multicast Routing Protocols MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

In Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF), the router receives a packet and extracts the

  1. protocol
  2. source address
  3. destination address
  4. data type
MCQ 2:

A network can receive a multicast packet from a particular source only through a

  1. designated parent resolver
  2. designated protocol router
  3. designated parent table
  4. designated parent router
MCQ 3:

To convert broadcasting to multicasting, the protocol uses

  1. three procedures
  2. two procedures
  3. one procedure
  4. multi procedures
MCQ 4:

In multicast communication, the relationship is

  1. one to one
  2. one to many
  3. many to one
  4. many to many
MCQ 5:

In multiple unicasting, the packets are created with a relative delay in

  1. large packet
  2. large networks
  3. large databits
  4. large nodes

Computer Networks Practice Tests

Multicast Routing Protocols Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Multicast Routing Protocols App (Android & iOS)

Multicast Routing Protocols App (Android & iOS)

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