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Computer Architecture Practice Test 76

Introduction to Embedded Systems Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 76

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Introduction to Embedded Systems MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 76

MCQ 376:

The actual dataflow values among instructions, which produce results and those that consume those results, is known as

  1. control flow
  2. control hazard
  3. data hazard
  4. data flow
MCQ 377:

An approach which does not change registers and memory's content, and it's not causing virtually memory's faults, is known as

  1. hit penalty
  2. semantically visible
  3. semantically invisible
  4. column order
MCQ 378:

Deadline-driven constraints are known as

  1. reality-time constraints
  2. real-time constraints
  3. real-data constraints
  4. none of above
MCQ 379:

MIPS load word and store word instructions have the general form of

  1. lw $t1,offset_value($t2)
  2. sw $t1,offset_value($t2)
  3. lw/sw $t1,offset_value($t2)
  4. ld/st $t1,offset_value($t2)
MCQ 380:

Branch, MemWrite, and MemRead are control lines set of

  1. instruction fetch
  2. instruction decode
  3. memory access
  4. execution

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

Introduction to Embedded Systems Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Introduction to Embedded Systems App (Android & iOS)

Introduction to Embedded Systems App (Android & iOS)

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