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C++ Practice Test 35

Pointers and References Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 35

The Pointers and References Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Pointers and References Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 15-35 to solve C++ Practice Tests. Learn Pointers and References MCQ Questions PDF, Pointers and References Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study online courses. The Pointers and References Trivia App Download: Free learning app for oop languages, access and utility functions, c++ programs, unrestricted access, pointers and references test prep for master's degree in computer science.

The Quiz: If a variable has type int, then the pointer variable must have type pointer to int that is denoted as; "Pointers and References" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Int %; & int; ! int; Int *; for master's degree in computer science. Study Pointers and References Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for BSc computer science.

Pointers and References Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 35

MCQ 171:

If a variable has type int, then the pointer variable must have type pointer to int that is denoted as

  1. & int
  2. int %
  3. ! int
  4. int *
MCQ 172:

In programming language, large number of potential connections between function and data leads to structure

  1. easy to conceptualize
  2. difficult to conceptualize
  3. easy to load
  4. difficult to write
MCQ 173:

C++ comprises a confirmation of both high level and low level language features, that's why it is called as

  1. Object Oriented
  2. Intermediate level language
  3. Compiled language
  4. None of them
MCQ 174:

Access functions that is used to test the truth or falsity of conditions, is called

  1. Predicate functions
  2. Private functions
  3. Public functions
  4. Protected functions
MCQ 175:

Which of the following language designed mainly for object oriented programming, but with some procedural elements?

  1. Java
  2. PHP
  3. Visual Basic
  4. Matlab

C++ Exam Prep Tests

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