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C++ Practice Test 3

break Statement Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 3

The break Statement Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (break Statement Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 13-3 to solve C++ Practice Tests. Learn Iteration and Floating Types MCQ Questions PDF, break Statement Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn certification courses online. The break Statement Trivia App Download: Free learning app for basics of typical c++ environment, type conversions, evolution of operating system, keywords and identifiers, break statement test prep to learn online certificate courses.

The Quiz: The break statement is used in; "break Statement" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Foreach loop; For loop; Switch Statement; to learn online certificate courses. Study Iteration and Floating Types Questions and Answers, Apple Book to download free sample for computer software engineer online degree.

break Statement Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 3

MCQ 11:

The break statement is used in

  1. For loop
  2. Foreach loop
  3. Switch Statement
  4. None of them
MCQ 12:

Keywords are also called

  1. Preprocessors
  2. Reserved words
  3. Punctuation marks
  4. Operators
MCQ 13:

In 1977, Apple Computer popularized the phenomenon of

  1. Digital computing
  2. Personal computing
  3. Distributed computing
  4. Client/server computing
MCQ 14:

An object whose value cannot be changed is called

  1. Variable
  2. Constant
  3. Operator
  4. None of them
MCQ 15:

An error that causes the program to terminate immediately without having successfully performed its job, is called

  1. Syntax error
  2. Fatal error
  3. Termination error
  4. Both B and C

C++ Exam Prep Tests

break Statement Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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break Statement App (Android & iOS)

break Statement App (Android & iOS)

C++ App (Android & iOS)

C++ App (iOS & Android)

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Basic Computer Knowledge App (iOS & Android)