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C++ Practice Test 92

Enumeration Types Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 92

The Enumeration Types MCQ with Answers PDF (Enumeration Types Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 7-92 to prepare C++ Practice Tests. Learn Conditional Statements and Integer Types Test PDF, Enumeration Types Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn online certificate courses. The Enumeration Types MCQ App Download: Free certification app for character and string literals, while repetition structure, passing by value and reference, inline functions, enumeration types test prep to learn online courses.

The MCQ: Which is the correct syntax for defining an enumeration data type; "Enumeration Types" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: {enumeratorlist} = emum; Enum typename {enumeratorlist};; Emum= typename; to learn online certificate courses. Practice Conditional Statements and Integer Types Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for computer software engineer online degree.

Enumeration Types MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 92

MCQ 456:

Which is the correct syntax for defining an enumeration data type?

  1. enum typename {enumeratorlist};
  2. {enumeratorlist} = emum
  3. emum= typename
  4. None of them
MCQ 457:

Which function is provided by the C++, for reducing the function-call overhead?

  1. endline function
  2. control function
  3. inline function
  4. online function
MCQ 458:

Actual parameters must be variables, is a condition of

  1. When parameters are passed by value
  2. When parameters are passed outside the function
  3. When parameters are passed by reference
  4. When parameters are passed outside the class
MCQ 459:

An uninitialized variable contains

  1. A garbage value
  2. 0 value
  3. Only two values
  4. All of them
MCQ 460:

Empty string is denoted by

  1. "0"
  2. " "
  3. 0;
  4. 0

C++ Exam Prep Tests

Enumeration Types Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Enumeration Types App (Android & iOS)

Enumeration Types App (Android & iOS)

C++ App (Android & iOS)

C++ App (iOS & Android)

Global Warming App (Android & iOS)

Global Warming App (Android & iOS)

Environmental Management App (Android & iOS)

Environmental Management App (iOS & Android)