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MBA Cost Accounting Practice Tests

MBA Cost Accounting Online Tests

Variations from Normal Costing MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Variations from Normal Costing Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Variations from Normal Costing MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice MBA Cost Accounting Tests. Learn Job Costing Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Variations from Normal Costing quiz answers PDF for online accounting degree courses. The Variations from Normal Costing MCQ App Download: Free learning app for building block concepts of costing systems, variations from normal costing test prep for business admin degree online.

The MCQ: The budgeted direct labor hours are multiplied to direct labor cost rate, to calculate; "Variations from Normal Costing" App Download (Free) with answers: Expected total direct labor cost; Budgeted total direct labor cost; Budgeted total indirect labor cost; Expected labor hours; for online accounting degree courses. Practice Variations from Normal Costing Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for business admin degree online.

Variations from Normal Costing MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The budgeted total direct labor cost is divided with budgeted total direct labor, to calculate

  1. budgeted indirect labor cost rate
  2. expected direct labor cost rate
  3. budgeted direct labor cost rate
  4. expected indirect labor cost rate
MCQ 2:

The budgeted direct labor hours are multiplied to direct labor cost rate, to calculate

  1. expected total direct labor cost
  2. budgeted total direct labor cost
  3. budgeted total indirect labor cost
  4. expected labor hours
MCQ 3:

If the budgeted direct labor hours are 4550 and direct labor cost rate is $600 per labor hour then, total direct labor cost would be

  1. $4,730,000
  2. $3,730,000
  3. $2,730,000
  4. $1,730,000
MCQ 4:

If the budgeted total direct labor hours are 3800 and budgeted direct labor cost is $480000, then the budgeted direct labor cost rate will be

  1. $126.32 per labor hour
  2. $128.32 per labor hour
  3. $130 per labor hour
  4. $132 per labor hour
MCQ 5:

If the budgeted total direct labor hours are 5500 and budgeted direct labor cost is $755000, then the budgeted direct labor cost rate is

  1. $138 per labor hour
  2. $137.27 per hour
  3. $140 per labor hour
  4. $142 per labor hour

MBA Cost Accounting Practice Tests

Variations from Normal Costing Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Variations from Normal Costing App (Android & iOS)

Variations from Normal Costing App (Android & iOS)

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