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BBA Business Statistics Certification Exam Tests

BBA Business Statistics Practice Test 30

Measurements in Statistics MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 30

The Measurements in Statistics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Measurements in Statistics MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 5-30 to solve BBA Business Statistics Practice Tests. Study Measures of Central Tendency quiz answers PDF, Measurements in Statistics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn online tutor courses. The Measurements in Statistics MCQs App Download: Free educational app for measurements in statistics, comparison: measures of central tendency, relative measure of skewness test prep for online school of business administration.

The MCQs: If the central tendency is found by using whole population as input data then this is classified as; "Measurements in Statistics" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Population statistic; Sample statistic; Population tendency; Population parameters; to learn online tutor courses. Practice Measures of Central Tendency Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online business and management degree.

Measurements in Statistics MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 30

MCQ 146:

If the central tendency is found by using whole population as input data then this is classified as

  1. sample statistic
  2. population statistic
  3. population tendency
  4. population parameters
MCQ 147:

The criteria of inferential statistics which considers the sum of squared deviations is classified as

  1. central squares criterion
  2. outliers square criterion
  3. multiple squares criterion
  4. least squares criterion
MCQ 148:

For the Karl Pearson's skewness coefficient the value of skewness must be in limits

  1. ±3
  2. ±5
  3. ±4
  4. ±2
MCQ 149:

If the standard deviation of population 1 is 3 with sample size is 8 and the population 2 standard deviation is 5 with sample size is 7 then the standard deviation of sampling distribution is

  1. 4.044
  2. 3.044
  3. 1.044
  4. 2.044
MCQ 150:

Considering the sample statistic, if the mean of sampling distribution is equal to population mean then the sample statistic is classified as

  1. unbiased estimator
  2. biased estimator
  3. interval estimator
  4. hypothesis estimator

BBA Business Statistics Exam Prep Tests

Measurements in Statistics Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Measurements in Statistics App (Android & iOS)

Measurements in Statistics App (Android & iOS)

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