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Economic Importance of Prokaryotae Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 385

The Economic Importance of Prokaryotae Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Economic Importance of Prokaryotae Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 13-385 to prepare College Biology Practice Tests. Solve Kingdom Prokaryotae MCQ with answers PDF, Economic Importance of Prokaryotae Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college for teaching degree. The Economic Importance of Prokaryotae Quiz App Download: Free learning app for economic importance of prokaryotae, human skeleton, sperms, coordination in animals, animals: growth and development test prep for accredited online colleges.

The Quiz MCQ: The example of bacteria which can be used as a pollution indicator is; "Economic Importance of Prokaryotae" App Download (Free) with answers: Baccilatoria; Oscillatoria; Streptolatoria; Streptococcus; for online college for teaching degree. Learn Kingdom Prokaryotae Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to learn certification courses online.

Economic Importance of Prokaryotae Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 385

MCQ 1921:

The example of bacteria which can be used as a pollution indicator is

  1. oscillatoria
  2. baccilatoria
  3. streptolatoria
  4. streptococcus
MCQ 1922:

Skull is made up of which of these?

  1. cranium
  2. facial bones
  3. cartilage
  4. none of others
MCQ 1923:

The process of fusion of egg and sperm results in the formation of

  1. clone
  2. zygote
  3. cell
  4. nymph
MCQ 1924:

The outer portion of the spinal cord is made up of

  1. pink matter
  2. white matter
  3. yellow matter
  4. gray matter
MCQ 1925:

The gastrocoel cavity is now termed as

  1. primitive pit
  2. primitive ridge
  3. primitive node
  4. primitive gut

College Biology Exam Prep Tests

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Economic Importance of Prokaryotae App (Android & iOS)

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