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College Biology Practice Test 61

Evolution of Seed Habit Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 61

The e-Book Evolution of Seed Habit Quiz Questions, evolution of seed habit quiz answers PDF download, chapter 12-61 to study free biology online courses. Practice Kingdom Plantae MCQ with answers PDF, evolution of seed habit Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Evolution of Seed Habit Quiz App Download: Free learning app for evolution of seed habit, plant movements, digestion and absorption test prep for online college courses.

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Evolution of Seed Habit Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 61

MCQ 301: Zea mays and corns belong to the family name

A) Rosaceae
B) Acacia
C) Poaceae
D) Solanaceae

MCQ 302: In hyponasty, the bud will remain

A) close
B) open
C) semi-open
D) wilt

MCQ 303: The special ring of the muscle which is present between esophagus and stomach is called

A) esophageal sphincter
B) cardiac sphincter
C) pyloric sphincter
D) colonal sphincter

MCQ 304: The finger-like process which has a blind end in the caecum is called

A) rectum
B) appendix
C) lumen
D) intestine

MCQ 305: The blood of arthropods is colorless due to lack of

A) hemoglobin
B) immunoglobin
C) chromatin
D) iron

College Biology Exam Prep Tests

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Evolution of Seed Habit App (Android & iOS)

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