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Human Brain Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 237

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Human Brain Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 237

MCQ 1181: In humans, the reduced part of the brain is

A) fore brain
B) mid brain
C) hind brain
D) cerebral cortex

MCQ 1182: Pyrimidines are composed of cytosine, thiamine and

A) guanine
B) adenine
C) uracil
D) all of above

MCQ 1183: During active membrane potential Na+ ions diffuse into the neuron through

A) active transport
B) sodium bridges
C) support proteins
D) sodium gates

MCQ 1184: For each impulse autonomic nervous system utilizes only

A) four neurons and two ganglion
B) two neurons and one ganglion
C) one neuron and one ganglion
D) one neuron and two ganglions

MCQ 1185: Flagellates which are sessile, marine and their single flagellum is covered by a collar is called

A) tetrad
B) choanoflagellates
C) flagellates
D) biflagellate

College Biology Exam Prep Tests

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Human Brain App (Android & iOS)

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