College Biology Practice Tests
College Biology Online Tests
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The MCQ: The regional temperature differences within an animal are obtained by; "Mammals: Thermoregulation" App Download (Free) with answers: Vasodilatation only; Vasoconstriction only; Vasocirculation; Vasodilation and vasocontriction; for online college classes. Practice Mammals Thermoregulation Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for colleges that offer online courses.
There is a thick layer of insulating fat in whales and seals which protects them from colder water, this layer is known as
The regional temperature differences within an animal are obtained by
The homeostatic thermostat which facilitates the process of thermoregulation in man is present in
The increase muscles contraction along with the increasing rate of heat production is called
The animal which uses saliva and urine for cooling is
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