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BBA Human Resource Management Certification Exam Tests

BBA Human Resource Management Practice Test 82

High performance work systems MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 82

The High performance work systems Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (High performance work systems MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 8-82 to solve BBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests. Study Introduction Human Resource Management quiz answers PDF, High performance work systems Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for bachelor degree online. The High performance work systems MCQs App Download: Free educational app for high performance work systems, flexible benefits programs, managing organizational change programs, career management basics, impasses mediation and strikes test prep for bachelor's degree in business.

The MCQs: High performance work system leads to; "High performance work systems" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Low labor costs; Superior employee performance; Safer workplaces; Less employee turnover rate; for bachelor degree online. Practice Introduction Human Resource Management Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for accredited online schools for business management.

High performance work systems MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 82

MCQ 406:

High performance work system leads to

  1. superior employee performance
  2. low labor costs
  3. safer workplaces
  4. less employee turnover rate
MCQ 407:

The process of arming the employees of organization with technology tools, to get the jobs done is called

  1. workplace flexibility
  2. work hour flexibility
  3. work week flexibility
  4. contributory flexibility
MCQ 408:

The 'quality circles' is an example of

  1. human process intervention
  2. techno structural interventions
  3. strategic intervention
  4. HRM interventions
MCQ 409:

In career development, discussing procedures with employees is included in

  1. individual role
  2. manager role
  3. employer role
  4. line manager
MCQ 410:

The kind of arbitration in which parties are not committed to accept the award of arbitrator is classified as

  1. binding arbitration
  2. non-binding arbitration
  3. interest arbitration
  4. rights arbitration

BBA Human Resource Management Exam Prep Tests

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