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Performance Appraisal in HRM MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Performance Appraisal in HRM Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Performance Appraisal in HRM MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice BBA Human Resource Management Tests. Study Performance Management and Appraisal Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Performance Appraisal in HRM quiz answers PDF for bachelor in business management degree. The Performance Appraisal in HRM MCQ App Download: Free learning app for appraisal interview, performance appraisal in hrm, conducting appraisal interview, techniques for appraising performance test prep for best online business management degree.

The MCQ: Gender discrimination, lower appraisal rating is an example of; "Performance Appraisal in HRM" App Download (Free) with answers: Lenient/strict tendency; Bias; Central tendency; Different tendencies; for bachelor in business management degree. Practice Performance Appraisal in HRM Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for business administration and management colleges.

Performance Appraisal in HRM MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

An equal rating of all employees such as 'good' is called

  1. lenient tendency
  2. strict tendency
  3. biasing tendency
  4. central tendency
MCQ 2:

Gender discrimination, lower appraisal rating is an example of

  1. lenient/strict tendency
  2. bias
  3. central tendency
  4. different tendencies
MCQ 3:

Financial and investment counseling is an example of

  1. phased retirement
  2. preretirement counseling
  3. honoring experience
  4. modifying selection procedure
MCQ 4:

An employee is rated high in performance appraisal because of 'religion', is an example of

  1. lenient/strict tendency
  2. bias
  3. central tendency
  4. different tendencies
MCQ 5:

The manipulation of appraisal rating on the basis of 'age' is an example of

  1. lenient/strict tendency
  2. bias
  3. central tendency
  4. different tendencies

BBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests

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Performance Appraisal in HRM App (Android & iOS)

Performance Appraisal in HRM App (Android & iOS)

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