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Financial Management Certification Exam Tests

Financial Management Practice Test 45

Internal rate of Return Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 45

The Internal rate of Return Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Internal rate of Return Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 2-45 to prepare Financial Management Practice Tests. Solve Basics of Capital Budgeting Evaluating Cash Flows MCQ with answers PDF, Internal rate of Return Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online BBA courses. The Internal rate of Return Quiz App Download: Free learning app for internal rate of return, expected rate of return on constant growth stock, market values, fama french three factor model, binomial approach test prep for online business administration colleges.

The Quiz MCQ: A modified internal rate of return is considered as present value of costs and is equal to; "Internal rate of Return" App Download (Free) with answers: Fv of hurdle rate; P.v of hurdle rate; P.v of terminal value; Fv of terminal value; for online BBA courses. Learn Basics of Capital Budgeting Evaluating Cash Flows Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample for online finance classes.

Internal rate of Return Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 45

MCQ 221:

A modified internal rate of return is considered as present value of costs and is equal to

  1. p.v of hurdle rate
  2. fv of hurdle rate
  3. p.v of terminal value
  4. fv of terminal value
MCQ 222:

In expected rate of return for constant growth, an expected yield on capital must be

  1. equal to zero
  2. greater than expected growth rate
  3. less than expected growth rate
  4. equal to expected growth rate
MCQ 223:

The price per ratio is divided by cash flow per share ratio, is used for calculating

  1. dividend to stock ratio
  2. sales to growth ratio
  3. cash flow to price ratio
  4. price to cash flow ratio
MCQ 224:

A high portfolio return is subtracted from low portfolio return to calculate

  1. HML portfolio
  2. R portfolio
  3. subtracted portfolio
  4. ML portfolio
MCQ 225:

The current option is $800 and the current value of stock in portfolio is $1900 then the present value of portfolio would be

  1. −$1100
  2. 2700
  3. 1100
  4. −$2700

Financial Management Exam Prep Tests

Internal rate of Return Learning App: Free Download (Android & iOS)

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Internal rate of Return App (Android & iOS)

Internal rate of Return App (Android & iOS)

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