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Tying Ratios Together MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Tying Ratios Together Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Tying Ratios Together MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Financial Management Tests. Learn Analysis of Financial Statements Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Tying Ratios Together quiz answers PDF for online finance classes. The Tying Ratios Together MCQ App Download: Free learning app for profitability ratios, tying ratios together, market values, market value ratios test prep for online BBA degree.

The MCQ: The total assets divided by common equity is a formula uses for calculating; "Tying Ratios Together" App Download (Free) with answers: Equity multiplier; Graphical multiplier; Turnover multiplier; Stock multiplier; for online finance classes. Practice Tying Ratios Together Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for business management degree online.

Tying Ratios Together MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The profit margin = 4.5%, assets turnover = 2.2 times, equity multiplier = 2.7 times then return on assets will be

  1. 0.2673
  2. 26.73
  3. 0.094
  4. 0.4
MCQ 2:

The total assets divided by common equity is a formula uses for calculating

  1. equity multiplier
  2. graphical multiplier
  3. turnover multiplier
  4. stock multiplier
MCQ 3:

The profit margin multiply assets turnover multiply equity multiplier is used to calculate

  1. return on turnover
  2. return on stock
  3. return on assets
  4. return on equity
MCQ 4:

An equation in which total assets are multiplied to profit margin is classified as

  1. du DuPont equation
  2. turnover equation
  3. preference equation
  4. common equation
MCQ 5:

The return on assets = 5.5%, Total assets $3,000 and common equity is $1,050 then the return on equity would be

  1. 22275
  2. 0.1571
  3. 0.01925
  4. 1.925

Financial Management Practice Tests

Tying Ratios Together Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Tying Ratios Together App (Android & iOS)

Tying Ratios Together App (Android & iOS)

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