BBA: Finance Courses

Chapter 7: Financial Management Exam Tests

Financial Management MCQs - Chapter 7

Overview of Financial Management and Environment Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 5

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Overview of Financial Management & Environment Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 5

MCQ 21: The conglomerates that combine many financial institutions within a single corporation are classified as

A) preferred service corporations
B) commercial service corporations
C) financial services corporations
D) common service corporations

MCQ 22: The corporations that buy financial instruments with the money accepted from savers are classified as

A) debit funds
B) credit funds
C) mutual funds
D) insurance funds

MCQ 23: The corporate associations who have common bonds being employees of the same firm are classified as

A) credit unions
B) debit unions
C) preferred unions
D) solving unions

MCQ 24: The set of rules made by the corporation founders such as directors election procedure are classified as

A) stock laws
B) by laws
C) liability laws
D) corporate laws

MCQ 25: The risk of doing business in particular country and arises from foreign investments is classified as

A) country risk
B) foreign risk
C) proffered risk
D) common risk

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