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viscous Drag and Strokes Law Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 80

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The MCQ: An object moving through the liquid facing the retarding force is named as; "viscous Drag & Strokes Law" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Friction; Viscosity; Drag force; Surface tension; for best accredited online colleges. Practice Fluid Dynamics Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for best online GRE prep class.

viscous Drag & Strokes Law MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 80

MCQ 396:

An object moving through the liquid facing the retarding force is named as

  1. viscosity
  2. friction
  3. drag force
  4. surface tension
MCQ 397:

If the number to be neglected is greater than 5, the retained number is

  1. increased
  2. decreased
  3. may increased
  4. may decreased
MCQ 398:

Torricelli's theorem is one of the applications of

  1. equation of continuity
  2. Bernoulli's equation
  3. light equation
  4. speed equation
MCQ 399:

Voltage of a device having resistance 5 Ω and current 4 A will be

  1. 10 V
  2. 15 V
  3. 20 V
  4. 25 V
MCQ 400:

Output of the sweep and time base generator will be

  1. sinusoidal waveform
  2. cos waveform
  3. saw tooth waveform
  4. both a and b

Applied Physics Exam Prep Tests

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