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IGCSE A Level Physics Practice Test 35

Mechanics of Fluids Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 35

The Mechanics of Fluids Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Mechanics of Fluids Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 19-35 to solve IGCSE A Level Physics Practice Tests. Learn Mechanics and Properties of Matter MCQ Questions PDF, Mechanics of Fluids Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn online tutor courses. The Mechanics of Fluids Trivia App Download: Free educational app for mechanics of fluids, electronic sensing system, ultrasound in medicine, lenzs law, photoelectric effect test prep for online degree programs.

The Quiz: Bernoulli's principle states that, for streamline motion of an incompressible non-viscous fluid; "Mechanics of Fluids" App (iOS, Android) with answers: The kinetic energy per unit volume + the potential energy per unit volume = constant; The pressure at any part + the kinetic energy per unit volume = constant; The pressure at any part + the potential energy per unit volume = constant; The pressure at any part + the kinetic energy per unit volume + the potential energy per unit volume = constant; for online degree programs. Study Mechanics and Properties of Matter Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online colleges for science.

Mechanics of Fluids Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 35

MCQ 171:

Bernoulli's principle states that, for streamline motion of an incompressible non-viscous fluid:

  1. the pressure at any part + the kinetic energy per unit volume = constant
  2. the kinetic energy per unit volume + the potential energy per unit volume = constant
  3. the pressure at any part + the potential energy per unit volume = constant
  4. the pressure at any part + the kinetic energy per unit volume + the potential energy per unit volume = constant
MCQ 172:

A sensing device is also called

  1. transistor
  2. thermistor
  3. sensor
  4. transducer
MCQ 173:

In the best piezo-electric substances, the maximum value of strain is about

  1. 0.50%
  2. 0.40%
  3. 0.30%
  4. 0.10%
MCQ 174:

Consequence of motor effect is

  1. electromagnetic induction
  2. current
  3. voltage
  4. EMF
MCQ 175:

Energy absorbed by electron is used in

  1. escaping the metal
  2. increasing kinetic energy
  3. both A and B
  4. increasing frequency

IGCSE A Level Physics Exam Prep Tests

Mechanics of Fluids Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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